First building in motion

The First Dynamic Towers are now launched in Miami


At the intersection of Technology, Sustainability and Innovation, Dynamic architecture is paving the way for humanity to have a total rebirth into the 4th Industrial Age, catalyzing a positive shift in consciousness across the planet.


The Dynamic Tower would make the most unique landmark.

Offering an added value to the entire surrounding project, city, and country.

why dynamic tower?

Compared to the other buildings,
Dynamic Tower Offers:

never again! – Let’s think lives

It should serve as a lesson

Let’s not allow same happenings in the future. 

It is about time.  Let us not risk the lives of the habitat.  This is the way of the future in building construction. 


David Fisher

Graduated with Honors from the School of Architecture in Florence.

In the mid-eighties he became involved in different construction methods in New York, setting up and managing large industrial facilities, as well as in the building and development activity of hotel projects. In the last years he lectured in a large number of universities in three continents. He has a 360-degree experience in the building world – from project development to construction management, from teaching to designing. He has been redefining the technological extremes of construction in several cities for over three decades.

Dr. Fisher’s professional activity has always been focused on two concepts: an industrial approach involving the use of prefabricated units, and Dynamic Architecture, where the traditional three-dimensional design meets a fourth dimension: Time.

With his invention of the Dynamic Tower, he is transforming Time to herald a New Era of Architecture

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